



ViewInView, mural, 't Hofke van Stuivenberg, Stuivenbergsite, Antwerp

Into the Unknown, solo, at 4KANT Galerij by Returnity, Antwerp

Villa De Vis, Artist residency at Silence Radio, Asse

Retrospectieve Earnest, solo, at Boutros Gallery, Antwerp

Sahara View, mural, Let's play ground, Antwerp

PAF, Artist residency, Saint-Erme, France

Hope, mural, Let's play ground, Antwerp

Artist in Residence at Moeskop


U bevindt zich hier, Returnity, Arthur, Antwerpen

Open Ateliers, Zuiderpershuis, Waalse Kaai 14, Antwerpen

Artist in Residence at Moeskop, Dageraadplaats, Antwerpen


Aarde, Malpertuis Gallerij - NOH Gallery, Hoboken

Into Eternity, the Art of Giving, BorGerHub, Borgerhout

Contemporary Art Fair, The Line Contemporary Art Space, London, UK

On Life, Gallery Rossocinabro, Roma, Italia 

Go Green, Rossocinabro gallery, Roma, Italy

Verbinding, Art Club Borgerhout, 't Werkhuys, Borgerhout

Artists Tomorrow, Rossocinabro gallery, Roma, Italy


Mixing identities, The Line Gallery, London, UK





Horizon, mural, Let's play ground, Antwerp 

Kunstroute 2060, Antwerp

Female Artists Club, BorGerHub, Borgerhout


Plato's Cave, a solo expo in three parts:ThankGodforTrauma!, the Cosmic Connection & the Reality of Beauty, at BorGerHub, Borgerhout

Artist in Residence at Moeskop

POWER, Solo, at Multitude Signature, Wilrijk


Artist in Residence at Moeskop, Antwerp

Multimodel, organised by Serge Baeken, at 't Werkhuys, Borgerhout

Cadixroute, Antwerp

Artist in Residence at Moeskop, Antwerp

A family affair', Onzea-expo, Tracé Cultuurstation, Ekeren

ALCHEMIC BODY | FIRE . AIR . WATER . EARTH, Laura Haber Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Vierseizoenenmodel, 't Werkhuys, Borgerhout



Silent Conversations, Solo, De Verdieping (adjacent de Moeskop), Antwerp

Vol van Genade, Multitude at Kasteel Sterckshof, Deurne

CADIX-route, Antwerp

ALL + 1 = 1, Love, CO Nova Antwerp
ALL + 1 = 1, Giving/Taking, CO Nova, Antwerp
ALL + 1 = 1, Human Colours, CO Nova, Antwerp






Reservoir of enclosed matter, Morbee Galerie, Brussels

Cadix Route, Antwerp

Duo Expo at De Dikke Kat, Antwerp

Cultuurstraat met o.a. Jan Fabre en Panamarenko

Onzea-Expo, Kasteel Rivierenhof, Deurne

Kunst-soldaten, met o.a. Roger Raveel, Sofie Muller, Sint-Denijs-Westrem

L’Avventura dell’ Arte – festival , Kessel

Art Collectives

Returnity 2021 - ...

Letsplayground 2020 - ...

Multitude   2016 - 2020

Hodgkinauten 2015 - 2011

Avventura dell'Arte 2014 - 2004




100m x 4m           


4m x 3m


12m x 4m

playground love

Retrospectieve Earnest


20 jaar op zoek naar het licht

Boutros Gallery, Provinciestraat 54, Antwerpen

21/09 - 27/10/23

U bevindt zich hier


In de schoonheid van het moment

Met je voeten op de grond

Zoek niet verder


U bevindt zich hier


Een groepstentoonstelling met Nuria Donaire Alliet, Earnest, Ulysses Ost, Elona Saidouleava, Floris Van Opstal, Hugo Vereeck, Serge Vermeersch


Vernissage 10 september om 16 uur met de Stadsdichter Yves Kibi Puati Nelen


Expo van kunstcollektief Returnity

In woon en -zorghuis Arthur

Solvynstraat 80, 2018 Antwerpen

Van 10 september tot 16 oktober 2022



expo met hugo vereeck, serge en earnest

houtsculpturen, foto's en schilderijen

in Malpertuis Gallerij - NOH Gallery

I participated with the Powers of Nature, three

paintings on glass and with the Reality of Beauty,

being Baffled by the light, Astonishment and



INTO ETERNITY - Art of Giving

Een collectie van internationale artiesten transformeerde BorGerHub ‘Into Eternity’. Dit project vanuit het hart verbindt verschillende kunstwerelden en laat de bezoeker opgaan in de visie van de kunstenaars.


“The meeting of two eternities, the past and the future … is precisely the present moment”

- Henry David Thoreau


Met kunst in de wereld te zetten, geeft een kunstenaar iets van schoonheid, iets van betekenis.  We nemen dit ‘geven’ een stap verder. Met de hulp van kunst liefhebbers en kopers, geven we een deel van onze verkoop aan vijf goede doelen: Mila 4 Africa, Letsplayground, Nikela, Zelfmoordpreventie and Vzw Kiddo’s.

Georganiseerd door Art of Giving i.s.m. Borgerhub Stuyft van 22 tot 29 oktober 2021


kunstenaars: Rachel Agnew, Boy & Erik Stappaerts, Earnest, Christine Clinckx, Sebastien Le Clef, Wendy Krochmal, Flowris, Elona Saidoul, Sebastiaan Vandoninck, Cindy Wright,

Adrian Iurco, John Rausenberger, Marius Ritiu, Marix, Haider Jabbar, Hanneke Vande Kerkhof,

Faryda Moumouh, Kris Henkens, Nuria Donaire Aliet, Ulysses Ost, Frederic Geurts

Sound Performance door Christine Clinckx, Michel Verkempinck and Arthur Pas op de vernissage.

Muziek op performance evening door Taz Von Stone, aimée & Eric De Vos, Gilles Defieuw, Quetzali Hermans en Victor Scheltiens.

Spoken Word verzorgd door Proza-K tijdens de finissage.

Mixing Identities, London, I participated in this event with the work:

Coming to Terms

oil&pigment on canvas, 70cmx50cm 

In our inner struggle we encounter both the light as the dark sides of ourself. Finding a balance between the two is challenging.   How can we embrace their existence  in order to be authentic ?  A spiritual connection, shedding light on it, can help as a guideline on the path to acceptance and love.

The Birth of a new paradigm
Into each universe a sound
earnest room at Into Eternity
earnest room
earnest room






at Multitude Signature, Zonnedauwstraat 29, 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp) this exhibition hosted four lovely events:


24.06.18      Power Sessions


We invited people to book a session of twenty minutes to be with pieces I created.

It was suggested to come alone or to bring one other person at the most so you were free to take your time to sit, stare, listen, to walk around, to sleep, to be.

We were outside to welcome you and offcourse had a drink and a chat.  A day of flow.



02.12.17 & 16.12.17 two evening diners, exhibition in the spirit of Plato's Dialogue


exploring the theme 'Power'

surrounded by the new work of Earnest


Monday Agbonzee Jr. coloured the room with his guitar


30.12.17 a lazy afternoon, early evening with tea, coffee, cake & wine


endulging in company, thoughts and feelings around the theme 'POWER'

surrounded by the work of Earnest


Mathias Van Den Bosch generously shared his music on guitar



For this exhibition I also was invited by Leo Reijnders, de Wolkenbreiers, in his program at Radio Centraal, Antwerp on the 5th of February 2018. (

There is no division of power, only love


Through an expo of paintings Earnest brings the allogory of Plato's Cave in three parts:


the Cosmic Connection

the Reality of Beauty

At what used to be a Vredegerecht,  now BorGerHub, Borgerhout. 

29.09.19 - 16.02.20 

                              Het fragment vertelt het verhaal van de Grot van Plato bij de expo en duurt slechts 5 à 7 minuten.

Silent Conversations

In creating these works I have extensive conversations in silence.  Be it with my soul, my inner truth, the universe, my subconscious, my heart, … each work explores a different emotion or subject.  I enjoy having these exchanges and seeing them becoming visualised.  I invite you to have your own conversation with any work that speaks to you.  I consider these works as food for the soul.  As everyone doesn’t love the same dishes, this might as well be the case with some of this work for you. Not everyone is equally hungry.  Be my guest to take a bite, a degustation menu or to eat à la carte.

Letting go

Vol van genade     25.03.16 - 25.04.16

De wondere wereld.

Als derde project van MULTITUDE vulden we

het kasteel Sterckshof te Deurne met schoonheid en liefde.

de tentoonstelling Vol van Genade met werk van:

Carolina Tafalla

Kris Burm

Alessandra Ruyten

Tom Liekens

Tineke Thys

Mireille Robbe

Dries Segers

Matti Degueldre en Jaimy Smink

Boy Erik Stappaerts


Guus van den Hout

Mathieu V. Staelens

Sarah Ann Cousein

Els Vanden Meersch

E a r n e s t

Joris van Arkel

Suzanne Venema

Dichtkunst Moja de Feyter, Gust Peeters

Guy Van de Casteele (de Poesje van Sint Andries)

Nose to nose; Jan Somers

- muziek door Helios Quartet, Cowboys in Space, Ewout Lehoucq, Tegen Beter Weten In


Het kasteel Sterckshof is eigendom van de Provincie Antwerpen en in leegstandsbeheer van FMT Belgie.

Sterckshof - Hooftvunderlei 160, 2100 Antwerpen, Belgium

In 2015 Earnest was invited by CO NOVA to organise a tryptych of expositions. 

I called it ALL + 1 = 1.

Love is a cocoon of happiness in a world of chaos

credits to Lieve Petit for coordinating NOVA and to Griet Minnebach for presenting the art works.

Final part of the ALL + 1 = 1 series, was, where the universal and the individual fuse into one, being

L O V E (=1)

“…very simple: an expo about love.  Can you capture that in an image?

What does it look like   ? … “

ALL + 1 = 1

ALL = 1 & LOVE = 1


7 artists showed love. 

Rachel AGNEW, Hn Marco COOLS, EARNEST, Jorge MENDES, e-MOTION² en Carolina TAFALLA

“Graag zien is onweerstaanbaar DNA” - Hn Marco Cools

CO NOVA, Schijfstraat 105, 2020 Antwerpen